Career Advice Career Guidance and Counselling

Be open-minded about your career in Hong Kong

Whilst career planning is an important tool for reaching your goals, mobility is now more acceptable than it was in the past and you should always remain open to new opportunities.

While most people graduate from university with a degree in a particular field, and aspire to enter a related role and rise up through the ranks, others hop between different industries, or from one function to another within their organisation.

For these people who embrace change and take a less linear approach, adaptability and the confidence to step outside a comfort zone can present surprising opportunities.

When faced with any career decision, consider your choices carefully, but know that a single decision won’t necessarily define your career.

To maintain a flexible approach to your career, you’ll need to acknowledge the benefits of self-development. Upskilling is the best way to open doors, so consider signing up to courses that will extend your skills and knowledge base.

You’ll also need to be a smart networker. Remember that everyone you meet in a professional capacity could be a potentially valuable asset at some point in your career. Keep your online profiles up to date and start connecting with more people. You never know when you may bump into them again.

While you may want to stick with one company, don’t climb the career ladder with your blinkers on. Be aware of other functions or departments where your skills might be valuable. Cross-functional skills are highly prized by employers – especially at senior level.

When you see an opportunity, don’t be afraid to put your hand up and take on additional or varied responsibilities in your team or organisation. This demonstrates that you have an inquisitive mindset and respond well to change.

Finally, if possible, seek out a mentor who can offer guidance about career steps and offer objective advice.

This article appeared in the Classified Post print edition as Plan for possibility.