Career Advice Career Guidance and Counselling

Building up your brand

A brand is a tool used in the business world to describe all the information or perceptions connected with a product or service. Effective branding "hooks" images to these products or services. For example, the Apple logo implies cutting-edge technology, while Steve Jobs is readily identified with Apple. Hence, Apple implies Steve Jobs.

Personal branding helps define who you are, what you are about and what great value you bring to any setting. Examples are Chinese action superstars Jackie Chan and Jet Li, and Harry Potter - a fictional character with a strong personal brand.

So what's the importance of a personal brand?

Trust This is essential in the corporate world. People want to do business with - and hire and promote - people they know and feel good about.

Differentiator In a competitive setting, a strong personal brand is critical for people to differentiate themselves and gain an edge for both professional and business success.

Leverage In sales and marketing, personal brands give corporate brands an extra edge. If a business is starting in a new market, having someone with a strong personal brand will give the new entity credibility as the goodwill already established can be leveraged.

Next week, learn about the building blocks of a strong personal brand.

Christine Sim, general manager for search and recruitment, Links Recruitment Singapore