Career Advice Career Guidance and Counselling

How to leave a job in Hong Kong with your reputation intact

Gone are the days when people stay in the same job for the length of their career. Most of us will have several jobs in our lifetime, and it’s important to maintain an honourable reputation as you move from employer to employer. 

When you resign, the way you leave the company is important. You should leave on good terms, as people will remember your behaviour at the organisation up until your last day. 

To ensure a smooth departure, tell your boss first. No matter how close you are with your colleagues, don’t tell them you are leaving before you tell your manager. 

You owe it to your boss to ensure she or he does not hear of your departure indirectly. If you think your boss might consider the news a shock, explain that it is the right time for you to pursue a different challenge. 

If you have any gripes about the organisation or the people, it’s too late to bring these up in your resignation meeting. Having made the decision to resign, delving into issues at this stage won’t leave a good last impression. 

While it’s normal to feel a sense of ownership of your role and achievements, be communicative and helpful when handing over to the person taking on your role, and share all necessary information. Don’t delete files or contacts that might be needed by your successor, as it will only come back to bite you. 

It can be difficult to maintain focus during your notice period, but you must continue to give your best until you leave. Maintaining your focus until the end will earn you considerable respect and you will be remembered.

Finally, bid farewell to your colleagues amicably and try to stay in touch. Industries can be small in Hong Kong, and you never know when your paths may cross again. 

Everyone leaves an organisation at some stage and, if you do it well, you will leave the organisation with your reputation intact – and perhaps enhanced. 

This article appeared in the Classified Post print edition as Go out on a high.