Career Advice Hottest jobs of this week

Most Viewed Gov Jobs of This Week ( 1-7Jun)

01Assistant AdministratorThe Hong Kong Confederation of Insurance BrokersInsurance1
02Commercial AssistantU.S Consulate GeneralCivil Services1
03Court Liaison OfficerThe Duty Lawyer ServiceCharity / NGO2
04Assistant Officer (Settlement)Hong Kong Monetary AnthorityCivil Services2
05Editor/Senior Editor(English)Pan Lloyds PublishersEducation / Training2
06Officer (Professional Development)Estate Agents AuthorityCharity / NGO3
07Manager (External)Hong Kong Monetary AnthorityCivil Services3
08Project Development Manager/ OfficerWorld Green OrganizationCharity / NGO4
09Service Co-ordinatorHong Kong Housing SocietyCharity / NGO5
10Head of Prevention, Rehabilitation and Research ($74,895/mth)肺塵埃沉着病補償基金委員會Charity / NGO8