Career Advice Career Guidance and Counselling

Network for career control

Last week, we dealt with some of the questions you need to ask yourself if you are to have full control over your own life. Today, in our final instalment on this topic, we look at the steps towards effective career management.

First, decide what you want to do with your life and career. What help do you need to achieve this? Then start networking with useful contacts inside and outside your company.

An important thing to remember is never to become stale and comfortable - develop your career currency to stay relevant in the ever-changing career landscape. Seek professional development, and upgrade in order to enhance your capacities so that you have more transferrable career skills.

Involve search consultants in your career management as they have first-hand knowledge of the job market and can open doors if you fit their clients' needs. Never discount the value of the relationship they enjoy with employers - top-notch headhunters have influence with decision-makers.

Build a stronger network. As they say, dig your well before you get thirsty. Spin a web of sponsors, mentors and referrals.

Above all, remember to make career management a top priority. Never leave your future to chance.

Christine Sim, general manager for search and recruitment, Links Recruitment Singapore