Career Advice How to Get Promoted

Networking in the Digital Age

Networking has never been the most well-liked or favoured aspect of professional life. In fact, a majority of people actually find networking quite dreadful. Unfortunately, it’s hard to make a name for yourself professionally and work your way up the corporate ladder if upper management doesn’t know who you are. Although the advent of all things digital has created new ways to network, it hasn’t quite done away with it altogether. There are advantages and disadvantages to networking in the digital age, but here are some helpful tips to get you networking like a pro in no time.


Connect on social. Even if you’re not into Snapchatting or Instagramming your life for the world to see, you should at the very minimum have a couple of social media accounts. Facebook and Twitter are still the top widely used social networks in the world and not using either to grow your network is counterproductive. LinkedIn and Weibo (for those looking to expand into Chinese-speaking markets) are two other social media platforms you should consider. Once you’ve connected in real life, either in person at a networking event or through an introduction through a mutual acquaintance, be sure to connect with them through at least one social media channel. Don’t forget to update your business cards with your social media details for easy transfer of contact details.


Create and maintain a presence. Now that you’re on social media, the number of connections you can potentially make are boundless, but people won’t just flock to you on their own. If you find it difficult to come up with things to say on social in the beginning, work on finding and connecting with the people you want to connect with. Are you hoping to start your own business one day? Then find other successful business owners whom you admire and follow them on Twitter. Share or retweet their content when you find something interesting, educational, or inspiring until you feel ready to share your own content. Participate in social conversations or branded chats to make connections.


Make the effort to meet someone new every week. In the beginning of your social media life, you’ll find it easy to “meet” and connect with a lot of people. After some time, it may not be as easy to seek out the types of professionals you want as readily. This doesn’t mean you’ve connected with all the people you need to connect with. It just means that you have to try harder and cast a wider net. Make it a goal to discover and connect with at least one new contact each week who may be able to offer value to your career. This can be a famous CEO or a budding scientist or even a successful florist across the globe. The point is that you are finding and making connections with people who have succeeding in some way that you envision for yourself.


Commit to networking digitally. Networking can be a long and arduous task, and one that can seem like pays no viable dividends, but networking in all its forms is still one of the best and common ways for advancing careers. Although you needn’t spend hours on end scrolling through your Facebook feed or reading tweets, it is best practice to remain a consistent and regular user. Even checking your social networks for twenty minutes each day will go a long way to broadening your network and increasing your chances of making that one connection that can lead to a better professional role or a higher salary in the future.


Stay professional. Remember that the content of your social media accounts can be seen by potential employers and future colleagues. Never share content or make statements on your social platforms that you wouldn’t feel comfortable saying out loud to a group of coworkers. If you know better than to say something in front of others, then it doesn’t belong on your Facebook or LinkedIn page either.


Don’t just take, but give too. Certainly there is an endgame with all this effort you’re willing to put in for networking, but don’t forget that networking isn’t just one-sided. By giving as much, if not more, than what you receive, you will feel better about yourself, build stronger connections with those in your existing network, and put yourself in a better position when others have the opportunity to return the favour.