Career Advice Career Guidance and Counselling

Talk the talk, walk the walk

Last week, we examined some of the factors that go into building up a recognisable personal brand.

This week, we take a look at some additional ingredients that go into creating your own brand "recipe".

At the same time, however, do not forget that you can also be a role-model for others. In addition, you should be prepared to mentor and sponsor them.

Individuality Discover and carve out your own niche.

Presentation Remember to be careful what you post on your social networks - nothing goes unseen!

Connect Invest in human relationships, not just dollar transactions. At the same time, you must honour your promises.

Problem-solving Be known as a problem-solver, not the problem itself.

Work-life balance Remember to establish a good work-life balance and to treat everyone fairly and squarely.

As well as being a lifelong learner, you must be prepared to make a difference in your local community.

Making the pledge Remember that a personal brand is a statement of who you are, what you stand for and living it every day. A brand is a promise. It's about talking the talk, walking the talk, and walking that walk.

Christine Sim, general manager for search and recruitment, Links Recruitment Singapore