Career Advice Career counselling, advice and guidance

Tag: employee


全世界都回復正常嘅時候,唔少打工仔都諗住出門旅行或者已經去咗幾次。搞旅行最忌錢使咗換來一肚氣,唔想咁就要懂得規劃成本及行程。今次講吓點樣衡量旅行的成本。提起成本大家都會先想到錢,其實放假出門旅行涉及時間、金錢同人情三項成本,忽略任何一項都可能令你這次旅行變得物無所值。 ...

How to bridge 100-year gender equality gap between men and women?

Promoting a gender-inclusive environment bring us one step closer to the diverse and creative business culture. This requires both men and women to change our mindset, step out of our comfort zone, and learn to support each other more... ...

What do startups look for in employees?

Before joining a company, there are so many more things you should consider more than the salary. Are you a good fit for their company culture? Are you THE employee they are desperately looking for? ...

Occupying HR: What to do if employees take time off to protest?

The Issues... ...

ACE Organizes 'Day of Service' In Hong Kong
