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Tag: Financial Planner

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Adding insight

The university student category in the SCMP/IFPHK Financial Planner Awards is a real test of what it takes to understand client needs and devise a comprehensive plan that meets near- and long-term goals. ...

Leading from the front

Customer-facing bank staff require special skills in order to provide clients with financial peace of mind, writes Chris Davis. ...

Engineering a new career in finance

Veronica Wong Kan-yin, manager for wealth management and protection at AIA, was a veteran educator, with her own tuition-centre business, before joining the financial-planning ... ...

Earth-moving experience redirects AIA partner

The massive tsunami that struck Japan on March 11, 2011, left the country’s economy shaking and Nelson Lee without a ... ...

Chef finds recipe to succeed in finance planning

Associate financial planner Alex Ling was a chef before becoming a financial planner, having become interested in economics and finance at secondary ... ...

Cakes and regular calls to find and keep clients

Johnny Cheng Kong-pang, an AIA associate financial planner, had a successful career as a pastry chef before he entered the financial services ... ...

Cultivate patience and time management skills

After graduating, Hill Yu Yee-fung joined a US-based bank as a business and portfolio analyst. As the long working hours left him little time for ... ...

Know how to network and communicate well

Nick Ng Wai-lung, associate director of Convoy Financial Services, says he chose to work in finance as it’s a growth ... ...

Think about the long term

During her final university days, Tifa Luk Wing-chi came across an opportunity to join the financial planning industry in ... ...