Career Advice Career counselling, advice and guidance

Tag: Health and Beauty

Most Viewed Sales Positions of This Week (14-20 Sep)

Looking for a better pay and stable retail jobs? Have a look for these new opportunities from retail industry! ...


上班日的早晨,總是趕著時間出門……想趕得上巴士地鐵,卻不願在人逼人的翻工途中脫妝變成花面貓?就要靠一個快上手又持久的妝容保持明艷照人啦!現在就一起來向擁有多年豐富化妝經驗的Michelle Ho取經,學習幾招特別的夏日化妝技巧吧! ...

RTHK disputants should have radioed for mediation help

In the past few weeks, a row between RTHK’s acting assistant director Forever Sze Wing-yuen and director of broadcasting Roy Tang Yun-kwong has grabbed many headlines in local media, writes Vod Chan. ...

All's well in the wellness sector

Spas used to be little more than a couple of converted hotel rooms, with in-house guests as the main clientele. Now, spas are often the crown jewels of many resorts, says Greg Payne, Amanresorts spa director. ...

A beautiful mind

Born and raised in Hong Kong, Sharon Lee went to Diocesan Girls’ School for her primary and secondary education, and then attended Northwestern University in the United States, majoring in ... ...

Beauty pays a pretty penny

Vanee Kung is a graduate of economics and finance, but unlike most of her classmates who pursued promising jobs in the banking and finance industry, she embarked on a career in ... ...