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Tag: IT


科技券計劃已推出多年,港府希望透過此計劃支援本地企業和機構使用科技服務和方案,以提高生產力或將業務流程升級轉型。計劃自2016年推出後,曾於於2020年4月作出重要調整,包括資助比例由三分之二提高至四分之三,而資助上限也由港幣40萬元增加至60萬元。它對企業和IT公司而言是個極好的機會,不但能協助中小企業進行升級轉型,還能夠支援IT公司度過經濟不景氣的困境。 ...


筆者上次寫到,近年許多企業委託服務供應商代為進行數碼轉型時,經常會遇人不「熟」,即不幸遇上對技術不熟悉、欠經驗的IT公司,所託非人之下,隨時事倍功半。 ...

Introduction to the Emerging IT Industry of Prompt Engineers with Million-Dollar Annual Salaries

According to a report by Bloomberg on March 29th of this year, there is a new emerging position in the market called "Prompt Engineer," which can earn an annual salary of up to two million Hong Kong dollars due to the recent rise of generative AI. This position has attracted attention not only because of its lucrative salary but also because it does not require advanced technical skills. As one of the global IT hubs, it is essential for Hong Kong to understand the reasons behind this phenomenon. ...

Is IT still the ideal career for the future?

Bill Gates once predicted that automation and artificial intelligence would change the nature of work, but he also pointed out that this would spark a demand for more valuable, creative, and human-centric jobs. IT is closely related to our daily lives, and as technologies such as artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, and 5G networks rapidly advance, our perception of IT has also undergone drastic changes. ...


一齊睇下今個月「資訊科技」 行業有咩精選職位啦!Project Manager,Programmer,IT Technician,IT Support一應俱全! ...


一齊睇下今個月「資訊科技」行業有咩精選職位啦! ...


數碼轉型已是無可避免的發展趨勢,最大的挑戰並不只是技術上的問題,而是在於企業領導層如何改變自己的心態,明確制定長遠的數碼化策略,以全方位改變員工​​及組織。企業若能克服來自組織架構及心理慣性這兩方面的阻力,才能成功部署合適的技術及ICT基礎設施,實現數碼轉型,成為高度可靠及靈活彈性、真正的「數碼企業」。 ...


一齊睇下今個月 行業有咩精選職位啦! ...

創新之心 不應盲目求新

過去幾十年,可謂資訊科技發展的大爆發年代,IT技術與產品的進化速度驚人。若把今日大家手中的智能手機,與80年代售價動輒過萬元的大哥大手提電話相比,就不難看出當中所經歷的發展與突破是多麼的神奇。我們其實已經身處於未來世界,使用着「多啦A夢」中的神奇道具。許多人以為做IT科技相關的初創,一定是要做與最新科技相關的東西,走在最前。這一點並不能說是完全錯的。但以筆者創業35年的經驗,我卻覺得盲目追求最新技術並非創科的成功要訣。 ...


IT (資訊科技) 人經常自嘲為IT狗,不難理解,因為一般用家經常以為IT人是萬能的,以為IT人對所有關於電腦包括硬件軟件和一切不同作業程式如Excel、Word的功能都瞭如指掌,甚至連電話、影印機和水電問題,都會找上IT人,以為他們必定能夠解決,一旦未能即時解決,IT人很多時都會受到不禮貌對待。 ...