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Tag: The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers

Engineering Education – The Importance of Learning from Failure

Despite the growing popularity of STEM and engineering education in recent years, it has been noticed that there is generally a lack of understanding of the engineering profession amongst the general public as well as parents and students. Additionally, the engineering industry has observed a decline in the quality of engineering students.1 When being asked to describe a good student, the most common terms are hardworking, being good in academics, submitting work on time, being regular, participating in-class activities, and achieving high grades, etc. However, However, these qualities do not guarantee success in becoming a good engineer. ...

Net-Zero Framework towards Sustainable Northern Metropolis Development

“Northern Metropolis” is an emerging hot topic. The Chief Executive John Lee has set his vision in the Policy Address 2022 that the Northern Metropolis will be developed as a new international innovation and technology (I&T) hub and has committed to providing high-level direct supervision to push forward this project at full speed. Meanwhile, the Government also announced the Hong Kong’s Climate Action Plan 2050 earlier in 2021, which sets out the targets and strategies for achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 as the overarching goal. ...

構築宏大願景 推動香港發展

香港工程師學會2022/2023年度會長卜國明工程師服務香港政府37年,對工程的熱情從未因時間而減退。多年來,他致力以豐富經驗塑造香港工程專業的前景。 ...


自2006年起,香港工程師學會結構分部定期舉辦優異結構選舉,旨在推廣於兩年內已落成的獨特建築工程,今年共有六個項目獲頒發最高級別的本地項目大獎,得主均展示出精心的結構設計及獨特的建築方法。 ...

創新能源項目 - 改善室內空氣質素的乾燥劑抽濕系統

香港地處亞熱帶,全年有約三分之二的時間相對濕度高於百分之七十。相信大家經常遇到以下情況:在炎熱潮濕的夏天進入公共室內場所﹐如大型商場、辦公室或醫院等﹐都會感覺「一日冬夏」。這是由於物業管理人員為了保持室內環境乾爽﹐都會盡量調低室內冷卻系統溫度,達至抽濕效果。這種以傳統冷卻系統作抽濕的方式是一種被動式濕度控制,需要調較至低溫才能達到較理想的效果,但卻容易造成室內「過冷」,同時浪費能源。有見及此,業界致力以創新節能的方式,為用家提供更為舒適的室內環境。 ...

Engineering Net Zero Transition

The Paris Agreement was adopted by 195 countries at the UN climate change conference (COP21) in December 2015. It was the first-ever universal, legally binding global climate deal, to achieve the goal of keeping the average global temperature rise from pre-industrial times below 2 °C and pursuing efforts to limit it to 1.5°C . A report in October 2018 by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change indicated that global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions must fall about 45% by 2030 and reach net zero by 2050 to keep within the 1.5°C target and avoid the effects of severe climate change. ...

Building Services Engineers – To Build and to Serve

Building Services Engineering is an engineering discipline concerned with the design, manufacturing, installation, commissioning and maintenance of mechanical and electrical services in buildings. The core elements include Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning (HVAC), Electrical Services, Fire Services, Utility Services, Plumbing and Drainage Services, Vertical and Transportation Services, Lighting Engineering and Project & Engineering Management. ...

Powering the New Normal

Engineers do wondrous things every day in a wide variety of fields for the good of society. Not the least of these fields is electrical engineering. This is a specialised type of engineering dealing with energy and electricity, and we owe these electrical engineers a salute for most of the “normals” that we take for granted in our lives today are powered by them. The hands of electrical engineers touch almost every part of our lives. It is no surprise that they are one of the driving tribes that make all our futures brighter. ...

The Role of Electronics Engineers – Their Contribution to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

In 2015, a series of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), consisting of 17 goals and 169 targets, was adopted by all 193 member states of the United Nations. Their aim was to achieve a more prosperous, inclusive and peaceful world by 2030. But to forge such a future, every global citizen, including governments, businesses, civil society and the general public will have to contribute. Engineers have long been playing their part in making meaningful contributions to these SDGs. For example, engineers have been developing extraordinary innovations, such as big data and Artificial Intelligence (AI), that are shaping our world and helping to address the many pressing challenges that are facing us today. ...

Structural Engineering in Society

Structural engineering is about design, use of material, construction, planning, inspection, monitoring, maintenance, research, rehabilitation and demolition of structures and structural systems...... ...