Career Advice Career counselling, advice and guidance

Tag: Career Guide


不知道從什麼時候開始,我們總是害怕與陌生人交談。害怕別人對自己產生的印象,害怕對方因自己的主動覺得奇怪,更害怕對方反應冷淡。種種害怕,讓我們即使初來乍到,亦不敢主動認識新同事,更別說主動打開話匣子了...... ...

Giving your staff due recognition can play a big part in keeping them

With an endless war for talent and the consequent brain drain in the job market across various industries....... ...

How ‘explanatory styles’ can help temper a pessimistic outlook

Francis was upset. Having been the finance director of his company for the past five years...... ...

The “two pizza rule” can be instructive for start-ups and big corporations alike

In recent weeks I met with business leaders of contrasting backgrounds who are grappling with different challenges..... ...

Emotional and social intelligence is the key to leadership

There’s an old saying: people quit bosses, not jobs. How many times have you heard of someone ...... ...

What you need to do to get the attention of headhunters

As a senior-level professional, your quest for a new role will look distinctly different from what it might have been like 10 years ago....... ...

A more human side to your company is the best driver to attracting talent

For the skilled professional in Hong Kong, the employment market remains largely candidate-driven........ ...

Selfless positivity will give you long-term rewards

I recently read Give and Take: A Revolutionary Approach to Success by Adam Grant, which distilled a philosophy that has guided me..... ...

Should you trust that gut feeling?

Jane, the former director of operations of a Hong Kong-based multinational...... ...

Transformation can be a great benefit, but takes effort

More and more people are working extreme hours, especially in Hong Kong...... ...