Career Advice Career counselling, advice and guidance

Tag: Innovation

【創新的關鍵】如何透過實驗精神脫穎而出 實現想法

《創新者的基因》一書中提出的五種創新能力,當中的四種能力,包括聯系、發問、觀察和交際,我們在前幾期已經分別作出了探討。這一期我們會探討最後一種創新能力,也是創新者實現創新想法的最重要一種能力 -“實驗”。簡而言之,發問、觀察、交際只能夠為創新者提供過去的數據(過去是什麼情況)和現在的數據(現有是什麼情況),但是若要探索未來可行方案的數據時,最好的方法就是透過“實驗”來取得。 ...


創新講求突破常規思考模式,得出與眾不同的想法。要跳出常規思考模式,需要把個人知識領域的想法,與其他領域,依據不同常規思考的人得出的想法相結合,碰撞出創新點子。要達到這目的,交際能力明顯非常重要。 ...


大部份的創新者都是積極的觀察者,他們會仔細地觀察身處的世界,既觀察到成功運作的事物,也能注意到不成功運作的事物。除此之外,他們還會觀察到其他人沒有注意的地方,從而提出更勝一籌的解決方案。透過積極觀察,調動多重感官(包括視覺、聽覺、味覺、嗅覺、觸覺)去感受事物,他們可以在看似沒有聯繫的數據之間牽線搭橋,最終激發了非同尋常的商業想法。 ...

Latest update on smart city development in Hong Kong

Hong Kong is getting big on the smart city. Since COVID-19 restrictions physically retrained our daily lives in many ways, new work-from-home models and online classes have steered business activities more rapidly to digital and online.The demand for business digitalisation has risen during this COVID period, and 5G is now playing a key role in every sector of the world’s economy. The implementation of the smart city has also become more comprehensive and solid in Hong Kong. ...

Gender Parity

Peck Yeow Gan is committed in building a workforce which demonstrates creativity, innovation and resilience. ...

Hacking for a brighter future (Hackathon October 2019)

The Classified Post Hackathon is an exhilarating 24-hour challenge open to students to create winning digital solutions for large corporates ...

Science Park Career Expo opens doors for innovation and technology job seekers

The Hong Kong Science Park (HKSP) Career Expo is the largest innovation and technology (I&T) themed recruitment event in town ....... ...