Career Advice Career Guidance and Counselling

Get a little help

If you are looking to take your career to the next level in Hong Kong's active jobs market, it can be useful to get a recruiter on your side. But what is the best way of doing this?

First, identify the right one for your role and industry - look for an expert in your job function. Then you'll need to win them over. Know your unique selling points and be able to sell yourself to your recruiter when you first call. You'll attract their interest and as you talk, they'll already be thinking about how your skills and experience match their clients' needs.

Honesty is always the best policy when looking for a new job. If you are only looking for part-time work, say so. If you need flexible working options or have a two-month holiday coming up, say so. Don't leave big news until the final stage of the interview process as it makes you and your recruiter look unprofessional.

Make sure your social media profile is up to date and presentable. A recruiter won't want to represent someone with an unprofessional online profile. Search for your name online, and adjust your privacy settings if necessary. Recruiters can advise you on your personal brand and online profile so you can make a good impression on a prospective employer.

Remember to stay connected. Keep in regular contact so they think of you when a suitable vacancy becomes available. Openness and regular communication are essential.

Recruiters want to build long-term positive relationships with their candidates. After all, you could become a client or candidate again in the future, and we want you to want to work with us again.