Career Advice Job seek in HK

【職場實用英語】5分鐘寫完 Thank you letter (Part 2)

人一生可能會轉好多次工、搵好多次工,所以亦都要見好多次工,所以效率非常重要,我哋會喺度逐 part 教你用最短時間寫最有效嘅 Thank you letter。未睇上期 Thank you letter 寫法嘅話可以睇番。




Subject line: Thank you letter

Dear [Sir/Madam],

I enjoyed meeting you and it was a pleasure to be interviewed.

As I’ve already stated in my CV and repeated during the interview, I’ve had great success in my current position. I’m sure I will be a good employee of your company. I’m absolutely excited to join your team!

Could you let me know as soon as you know anything about the further steps of the recruitment process. I can’t wait to meet you again and start working together!


Teresa Wong



說明 + 例句


1. 寫一個對方實會打開嘅電郵主旨(Subject line)

雖然呢個 email 係 Thank you letter 啫,個 subject line 唔駛直情叫做 “Thank you letter” 嘅,情信嘅信封上面都唔會寫住「情信」呱。


Thanks for your time Thank you for the interview [yesterday/today]


Thank you, [John]

好似喺街有人叫你個名,你實會擰轉頭睇下,根據 marketing 人多年嘅實戰結果,呢個 subject line 嘅 open rate 係最高。


2. 上款要用適合嘅稱謂

面試嘅時候你會點稱呼對方?Sales Manager?Mr. Chan?John?視乎面試嘅機構、現場氣氛同對方身分,寫 Thank you letter 都要選擇適合嘅稱謂。

Dear [John],

如果見 start-up,雖然個個都係 C 乜 O,乜乜 manager,但係一般都比較 chill,階級觀念冇咁強,所以用平輩嘅稱謂會更貼近佢哋嘅 culture。

Hi [John],

Hell [John],

如果面試機構嘅企業文化比較傳統、interviewer 年紀較大,或者佢自我介紹果陣講「我姓陳。」,甚至你只係記得佢姓陳,咁呢個係比較穩陣嘅寫法。 如果對方係女性,除非佢係林鄭月娥或者葉劉淑儀,即係你知佢老公姓乜,否則都係用番 Ms.,跟佢本人姓氏,咁佢哋兩個就會係 Ms. Cheng 同 Ms. Lau。

Dear [Mr./Ms. Chan],



3. 真・心表達謝意

既然係 Thank “you” letter,當然要以 “you” 為主(即係收件人),盡量多用 “you”,避免連續幾句都用 “I” 開頭。

Thanks for taking the time [today/yesterday] to discuss the role of [Account Manager]. It was great to meet you.

Thank you for taking the time to speak with me [today/yesterday] about the [Blog Editor] position.

Thank you so much for meeting with me [today/yesterday]. It was such a pleasure to learn more about the team and position of [Associate].

Thank you very much for the opportunity to interview for the position of [Marketing Executive] [today/yesterday].

好多時收到嘅 Thank you letter,睇完都唔知係幾時見、見咩職位,除咗下款有個人名之外一啲線索都冇,如果你要記住一兩個 interviewer 嘅名都有困難嘅話,試想像佢哋一日見幾個甚至十幾個求職者,所以俾多啲貼士吖,盡量講清楚啲,例如邊日面試,應徵咩職位。

如果見過幾個 interviewer,或者有帶你參觀過個辦公室,都可以提埋。

Thank you very much for your time [today/yesterday] to interview me for the position of [Senior Executive]. I appreciate the opportunity to learn more about this job, to meet you and [Tom], and to see your [offices].


4. 重申你對份工好有興趣

Interviewer 通常會係 HR Manager 同你將來嘅 team head,佢哋除咗你嘅工作能力之外,最關心嘅就係你做唔做得耐,因為你入職離職佢哋都有好多工夫要做,而你對份工有冇興趣就係其中一個重要嘅 indicator。雖然你想講你對份工好興趣,但係唔好起勢咁用感嘆號,唔係話用多啲感嘆號就興奮啲、有誠意啲嘅。

I am very interested in this position and the opportunity to join your team.

It sounds like an exciting opportunity that I could succeed and excel in.


Our conversation confirmed my interest in becoming part of [ABC Company]. I was particularly pleased with the prospect of being able to [discuss content ideas with the Creative Director and develop my copywriting skills].


I’m very excited about the opportunity to join [ABC Company] and help [create world-class products] with your team.


It was a pleasure to learn more about your approach to [growing site members].

成句都冇 interest 呢個字,但係顯示到你有留心聽對方講嘅嘢,已經可以表達到你嘅興趣。

留意呢度嘅 to 係 preposition,所以後面動詞要用 -ing form。


5. 重申自己嘅優勢

以上嘅部份只係 copy & paste,1 分鐘之內就完成,而以下呢個部份內容因人而異,效果亦最大,值得用 3 分鐘時間慢慢寫。

面試講過嘅唔怕再講,當場表達得冇咁好嘅,依家可以 rephrase,講得好啲,隨時有可能扭轉 interviewer 對你嘅印象。

I’m confident that my skills and experience, most specifically [my English writing skills and experience working in a multinational corporation] are a great match for the role.

As we discussed, I have [3 years] of experience with [web development]. With my background and experience, I believe that I could become a contributor to your team very quickly.


In addition, my [current/former] job as [Web Developer] has provided the opportunity to polish my skills in [Javascript] and [CSS] needed for your [Senior Developer] position.

I was thinking about your concerns over [the results of eDMs due to unoptimsed copy]. In my current role as [Marketing Executive] with [ABC Company] I found that [using personalised subject line increased the open rate by 9%]. I hope I will have the opportunity to help you with my experience.


6. 結尾

其實如果對方有興趣,自然會再聯絡你,不過你都不妨主動提出你願意提供進一步資料,或者隨時 ready second in:

Please feel free to contact me if I can provide you with any further information.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if I can provide additional information.

I am available to meet with you any time, should you have any further questions.

最後表達你期待收到對方回覆,如果對方喺面試有提及之後或者會有 second in,或者幾日之內會再聯絡你,咁就可以喺呢度提埋。

I look forward to hearing from you again. I look forward to hearing from you about the next steps in the hiring process. I look forward to hearing from you [next week] and hope to join your staff soon.


7. 下款 & Other


Thanks again for your time!

結尾就好 standard,冇乜花巧嘢,唔好寫錯Faithfully就得啦。



如果你有 LinkedIn,甚至個人嘅 website、portfolio,擺埋條 link 喺度,click rate 分分鐘高過擺喺 CV,因為 HR 唔一定會 print 出嚟。

提提你:條 link 記得要係 clickable。


8. One More Thing

寫完,由頭到尾睇一次有冇錯 grammar,有冇串錯字,一個錯字就可以有反效果,所以一定唔可以錯,但係 Spellcheck 功能只可以參考,仲有好多 you’re/your, its/it’s 係電腦分唔到,自己人手 double check 先至穩陣。



較 formal

Subject line: Thank you for the interview today

Dear [Mr. Chan]:

Thank you very much for your time [today] to interview me for the position of [Product Manager]. I appreciate the opportunity to learn more about this job, to meet you and [Tom], and to see your [offices].

This job feels like a very good match between my skills and experience and the requirements of this job. As we discussed, you need someone with strong [techincal background], and I have extensive experience with [product development]. In addition, my [current] job as [Senior Developer] has provided the opportunity to polish my skills in [project management] needed for the position.

I am excited about this opportunity to join [ABC Company]. Please do not hesitate to email or call me if you have any questions or need any additional information. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Again, thank you for considering me for this wonderful opportunity.

Sincerely, [Teresa Wong]


Subject line: Thank you, John

Hello [John],

Thank you for taking the time to speak with me yesterday about the [Social Editor] position at [ABC Company].

I really enjoyed learning more about this position and the company’s development. It sounds like [your team has an exciting year ahead with its new direction and products].

[With the company in the process of transformation, it would be an exciting time to join the company. I’d love to help the team build a stronger audience and social media presence]. I’m confident that my skills and experience, most specifically [my English writing skills and experience working in a multinational corporation] are a great match for the role.

Please feel free to contact me if I can provide you with any additional information. I look forward to speaking further with you and your team to see how I may help you reach your goals.

Best regards, [Teresa Wong]


Thank you letter 懶人包:

1. 即日 send,最遲 24 小時內
2. 電郵主旨直入主題,最好寫埋對方個名
3. 稱謂可以「直呼其名」
4. 開場白簡單直接,表達謝意,寫清楚應徵職位同面試日子
5. 以實例表達對份工有興趣
6. 重申自己嘅優勢,補完面試遺漏嘅內容
7. 保持開放態度,主動請對方隨時聯絡
8. 再次表達謝意,標準結尾,加上個人 portfolio
9. 由頭睇多次,spellcheck,檢查文法。