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Tag: Agility


因為種種因緣際會,我有機會在跨國企業集團工作了十多年,除了工作換取工資之外,最大的收獲就是可以增廣見聞,以及從中得到了許多的培訓以及成長機會。這些年除了負責過高潛力人才的選擇與培訓,還有許多實際和這些人才的輔導面談機會。因此對於人才評選的標準,以及實際上這些人共有的特質,有了較深刻的認識。... ...



Talent squeeze forcing companies to loosen up

While the slowdown in the mainland economy may be giving companies breathing space to review their growth strategies, the modest deceleration is doing little to ease talent demand in the professional recruitment environment, writes Chris Davis. ...

Agility keeps its talents nimble

Get, grow and keep might sound like a theme from a hoarders’ reality television programme, but to us at Agility – the global integrated logistics firm – the concept forms part of a ... ...

A corporate captain's course

James Gagne, CEO for Greater China at global integrated logistics firm Agility, has spent most of his career in Asia, mainly in ... ...

High tide for logistics talent

Think of it as Hong Kong's life blood. According to Financial Secretary John Tsang, trade and logistics comprise the heftiest of ... ...