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Tag: Amazon

【IT事務所】 繁體電子書的發展潛力

美國的電子書產業自2007年Amazon推出Kindle ( 電子書閱讀器 ) 起蓬勃發展至今已過了10年,電子書時代正式展開...... ...

【Fresh Grad求職攻略】僱主用AI助評估 視像面試有乜要注意

見工面試,是過往大家搵工必然經歷的過程,但是原來愈來愈多僱主在初階段已改用電話面試、視像面試、要求應徵者提交自我介紹短片........ ...


說起手機遊戲,相信大家的腦海內都會浮現出不同的名字:如早年的《Angry Bird》、到近來的《王者榮耀》、《絕地求生 ( 食雞 )》......... ...


身邊朋友知道我開始在專欄分享創業期間的所見所聞後,紛紛聯絡我尋求創業意見........ ...

雲端運算普及 造就資訊科技事業機遇

I.T.人經常面對兩大心魔,一是怕自己被時代淘汰,二是怕自己進修學到的技能唔「襟用」....... ...


全球每年都會公布富豪排行榜,相信對全球99.99%的人而言,這些只是一些遙不可及的數字........ ...

U.S. supreme court to hear Amazon workers’ case

The U.S. Supreme Court will determine whether companies must pay workers extra time they spend on security checks. ...

Obama proposes deal over taxes and jobs

Obama proposes to cut corporate rate in a bid to create more middle-class jobs. ...

Amazon adds 5,000 jobs, hiring more than 7,000

Internet retail giant announces plans to hire 5,000 full-time staff at 17 centres across the US, with more than 7,000 positions also in the pipeline for its customer-service and distribution networks ...

Amazon’s Bezos among lowest-paid tech CEOs paid chief executive officer Jeffrey P. Bezos an US$81,840 salary last year, offering no raise and no stock awards, leaving him among the lowest-paid CEOs running large technology companies. ...