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Tag: AI


最近與不少企業老闆們交流,不約而同地,他們都聊到在公司發展時所面對的新舊員工溝通問題,於是筆者也一直在思想,如何可以利用AI去解決這些問題。 ...


科技的進步速度猶如破竹之勢,尤其是在電腦軟體和半導體領域。 研究人員發現,透過使用高效和低能耗的圖形處理器(GPU),可以更有效率地進行平行運算(Parallel Computing),從而大幅提升人工智能(AI)和其神經網路的訓練過程。 這種進展不僅加速了大型語言模型(Large Language Model)和生成人工智能(Generative AI)的應用,也令大眾對AI的能力大為讚歎。在這個新時代,人們廣泛討論AI將如何深刻影響人類社會的未來 ...


上文提及「大型語言模型」(LLM, Large Language Model)的新進化LLMgt,能夠透過結合空間數據及IoT,處理3D環境及在3D空間內發出指令以進行操作。然而要管理這種AI模型,仍需要專業科研人員發出像魔法咒語般的提示詞或程式碼,才能發動其能力。當一般用戶在企業組織將之實際應用時,未必可以用得稱心如意。 ...


現時大家已經很常用的ChatGPT,以及坊間其他的AI人工智能應用,都是「大型語言模型」(LLM, Large Language Model),在處理文字、語音和平面影像時頗能勝任。但它們的功能仍然有限,距離許多人心目中的AI(例如Marvel電影中Tony Stark的AI助手Jarvis),有着很大的差距。 ...


每次在新聞中看到有地盤意外發生,往往都事態嚴重,造成人命傷亡;而逝者多是家中經濟支柱,猝然遺下妻兒。其家人既失至親又陷入經濟困境,實在是聞者心酸。不禁歎問:如何能夠讓這些悲劇不再發生? ...

Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and the Interaction and Future Development of Data Models

In today's world, the rapid development of technology is reshaping our way of life. The combination of artificial intelligence, robotics, and data model interaction has not only brought about significant changes in the scientific community but is also gradually demonstrating its influence in everyday life. From groundbreaking advancements in healthcare to the convenience of smart homes, the integration of these technologies heralds a new future. Entering a more intelligent and automated era which offers unprecedented convenience and even presenting unprecedented challenges. This article will explore the current status, potential, and the challenges we must face regarding this trend. ...


人工智能(AI)於過去10年發展迅速,而近幾年發展速度更加可以稱得上由風速變成光速!在大家正熱烈討論人工智能會否取代人類,大家的工作會否被電腦取替的時候,人工智能發展已經進一步進化。 ...

Introduction to the Emerging IT Industry of Prompt Engineers with Million-Dollar Annual Salaries

According to a report by Bloomberg on March 29th of this year, there is a new emerging position in the market called "Prompt Engineer," which can earn an annual salary of up to two million Hong Kong dollars due to the recent rise of generative AI. This position has attracted attention not only because of its lucrative salary but also because it does not require advanced technical skills. As one of the global IT hubs, it is essential for Hong Kong to understand the reasons behind this phenomenon. ...

Is IT still the ideal career for the future?

Bill Gates once predicted that automation and artificial intelligence would change the nature of work, but he also pointed out that this would spark a demand for more valuable, creative, and human-centric jobs. IT is closely related to our daily lives, and as technologies such as artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, and 5G networks rapidly advance, our perception of IT has also undergone drastic changes. ...


近月來,多場世紀級暴雨侵襲本港,令多區出現嚴重水災及山泥傾瀉,街道、商場、停車場和地鐵站等都被大水淹沒,造成龐大經濟損失之餘,亦危及市民的生命安全。但更令人擔憂的是,連場暴雨並非單一事件,全球氣候暖化令類似的極端天氣事件更加頻密發生。不單止各國政府需要制訂策略,應對未來氣候變化所帶來的挑戰,就算是私人企業機構都有必要做好準備,及早防範災害以避免經濟損失。 ...