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Tag: generative AI

與生成式 AI 共創未來:我的使用者經驗

當我們還在消化前幾波科技變革時,生成式人工智能(Generative AI)已經如同一場風暴,徹底改變了創新與生產力的遊戲規則。無論是商業、醫療、教育,還是藝術創作,AI的應用皆為各領域帶來了前所未有的可能性。然而,面對這場變革,許多人可能感到困惑:如何才能有效利用這項強大的工具,為自己創造實際價值? ...

Introduction to the Emerging IT Industry of Prompt Engineers with Million-Dollar Annual Salaries

According to a report by Bloomberg on March 29th of this year, there is a new emerging position in the market called "Prompt Engineer," which can earn an annual salary of up to two million Hong Kong dollars due to the recent rise of generative AI. This position has attracted attention not only because of its lucrative salary but also because it does not require advanced technical skills. As one of the global IT hubs, it is essential for Hong Kong to understand the reasons behind this phenomenon. ...