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Tag: manager

【職場實用英語】萬用嘅Professional Bio (Part 2)

今期Part 2會更深入咁講結構同內容,仲會有template下載。未睇part 1嘅話可以去睇番... ...

Managing Difficult Employees

No one ever said being a manager was easy. As a manager, it’s your responsibility to maintain and direct a certain level of professionalism, respect, and collaboration with your team members. If you find yourself facing the task of managing difficult employees, here are some ways to help you make the work relationship as successful as possible. ...

Learn to Delegate Tasks Like a Pro

There’s a fine line between being a working manager and a micromanager. Learning to delegate tasks like a pro will help ensure you and your team’s future success. Here’s what you need to do... ...

In safe hands

Like other financial sectors, Hong Kong's private banking industry is far from immune to the rising costs and regulatory pressures that are reshaping the financial markets. At the same time, clients, many of whom are self-made millionaires, increasingly expect a lot more than investment advice from their private banks. ...