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Tag: Leadership

Three steps to adaptive leadership in the age of technology

Today organizations are finding themselves intricately woven into the fabric of technological advancements and are compelled to adopt new technologies to remain competitive. From using IoT technology in manufacturing and facility management to small retail or food and beverage businesses relying on contactless payment solutions, technology is shaping how enterprises operate and compete. In Hong Kong, for instance, the adoption of emerging technologies is pronounced, with cloud computing leading the charge—64% of companies report full adoption, and another 36% are in the early stages. Moreover, 88% of executives from these companies cite staying competitive as the primary driver for adopting these technologies. Even with these advances, there remains a significant potential for wider uptake and enhanced integration of these technologies into core business strategies. ...

【職場攻略】僕人式領導 21世紀領導模式

環顧當代的領導者,他們大都是實踐傳統領導模式的強勢領導人,他們總是站在前線發號施令,帶領團隊不斷向前闖,或是在後勤大力推動,使得團隊發揮潛能,以達成他們制定的目標。但在21世紀資訊和知識爆炸的今天,這種傳統領導模式是否仍然行之有效? ...

Prioritizing Cybersecurity at the Leadership Level

Week after week, month after month, shareholder cyber lawsuits hit the news. Capital One settles for $190 million. A class-action lawsuit was filed against Ultimate Kronos Group for alleged negligence regarding a ransomware attack, identifying a poor cybersecurity system as the root problem. ...

The one thing all great leaders have in common

As leaders in a world fraught with uncertainty and volatility, we are unable to control external events or circumstances. What we can control however, is the way we interact, react and respond to effort within the workplace. Consistency is defined as, "Acting or done in the same way over time, especially so as to be fair or accurate”. A dependable leader is someone who inspires confidence, autonomy and belief among their peers and staff. Less time worrying about how a leader is going to take charge provides employees more time to focus on growing the business and servicing customers. Just as importantly, the by-product of this is the respect leaders gain from their employees – because inconsistency breeds fear. ...

Leadership today: what qualities are we looking for?

Over the past 30 years in my role as a corporate consultant and leadership trainer, I have had the privilege of working with countless individuals in senior executive positions. I have observed and studied their behaviour and personal characteristics to get a better understanding of how they operate and how people respond to their direction. ...

In-house mini MBA programme

Companies have been rethinking their approach to engagement, training and development ...