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Tag: Engagement

In-house mini MBA programme

Companies have been rethinking their approach to engagement, training and development ...

【打工/創業e世代】 網上宣傳 從何入手

很多朋友在剛開始創立網舖時雖然知道要做宣傳,但卻無從入手。今次談一談最多人認識的三種宣傳類型...... ...

【打工╱創業e世代】 經營網舖4大常犯錯誤

很多剛剛經營網舖的朋友或者投身網店從事市場推廣工作的人,都會常犯以下錯誤...... ...


在近五至十年,很多公司都明白到需要在社交媒體平台增取曝光,所以有很多數碼站營銷的人才開始為這些公司營運Facebook專頁及廣告........ ...

How to adapt to rapid changes discussed at Classified Post and Willis Towers Watson breakfast seminar

For many years, the issues of recruitment, engagement and retention have topped employers’ priority lists........ ...

Are your employees engaged in their work?

Although many companies realise that an engaged workforce drives profitability and productivity, and has a direct impact on the success of the business....... ...

Engage to succeed

Much has been written about Alibaba and its recent US$25 billion initial public offering - the world's largest ever.... ...

Aon Hewitt report highlights key employee engagement trends in Asia-Pacific


Don't be dinosaurs

Recently I spoke with the regional head of a large tech sector company. He had a dilemma: to tweet or not to tweet? Without a social media presence he might be seen as a dinosaur, yet he worried about the time and skills needed. So he hired a professional marketer, who now tweets for him daily. ...

Asia-Pacific travel surge fuels salary rises

Workers catering to Asia-Pacific’s frenetic travel boom are reaping the benefits of being in the world’s hottest tourism market, writes Darius Musni. ...