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Tag: Social Media

個個都話識做Social Media?想入行唔止咁簡單

愈來愈多人想進軍Social Media或Digital Marketing一行,個個都話自己有留意Facebook、IG、 YouTube……若不想淪為一隻「吹水怪」....... ...

【職業特搜】想做Social Media Executive 先決條件係瞓得少

做 Social Media Executive要有乜野入職要求? ...

3 Reasons Why You should Start Blogging

Talents are everywhere. To stand out from the crowd, you have to do something different. Why your own blog can be your sound resume? Here are three major reasons. ...

Networking Tips You've Got to Try

Becoming a great networker can put you a step ahead of the crowd. Set yourself up by being aware of the external stressors that affect how you appear and behave, and put your best foot (and mood) forward. Find ways to connect to others by focusing on being likable and making a great impression on others. ...