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Tag: ESG

E-Learning course is now available to upgrade ESG knowledge

AICPA & CIMA, together as the Association of International Certified Professional Accountants, and PwC, are jointly offering a new e-learning course: Introduction to the European Sustainability Reporting Standards. ...

【發財立品】真心正向推動 ESG,向漂綠漂藍say 'NO'

現時社會各界都非常關注ESG議題,相關討論每日都在進行,而其中一項大家值得留意的地方就是漂綠 Green Washing 和漂藍 Blue Washing 這種不恰當的行為。簡單來說就是口頭上不斷吹噓自己如何推動環保或其他ESG相關的行動,但實際上卻在其他地方不斷破壞。無論是公司或政府機構,必須遵從ESG的理念,並不能只作綠色推廣的宣傳伎倆,為了在某地方環節取得減碳成功卻在其他地方製造污染或傷害。 ...

Enrolment Open for Prestigious Executive Management Course on Sustainable Financial Strategy

Registration is now open for an executive management course, jointly developed by Saïd Business School at the University of Oxford, and AICPA & CIMA, that’s designed to give accounting and finance professionals the skills necessary to lead their organisation’s response to sustainability issues. ...


不知道大家是否與筆者一樣,發現最近蔘茸海味品牌的店舖數字逐漸增加,尤其是在社區生活圈更加明顯。是因為租金問題?遊客減少?還是近期大行其道的ESG文化所影響? ...


ESG環境社會管治成為商界近幾年最熱烈討論、最花資源和時間研究及實踐的一個可持續發展規劃方向,而當中的E (Environmental) 可算是最容易理解、計劃和實踐的一個項目。畢竟環境議題可算是無論對商家或大眾,也是最為了解及容易實踐的一種目標。各公司或品牌對環保意識亦增強了不少,過去在成本上因環保元素可能有所增加,但現今在環保項目上換過來或許更能節省成本,例如餐飲行業停止使用一次性餐具、塑膠飲管;零售商家亦開始減持購買或提供膠袋等。 ...

How does Human Resources professionals act on Environmental, Social and Governance (“ESG”)?

For the past two years, the combination of a pandemic and "The great resignation" has changed the responsibilities of Human Resources professionals. ESG performance will become increasingly important when attracting and retaining employees as keeping top talent is tough. Nowadays, employees are looking for a company that is responsible for carbon footprints, compliance and has a good risk management system. Sustainable human resources management and practices have arisen. ...

AICPA & CIMA launch new certificate to help accounting and finance professionals embrace ESG

AICPA & CIMA, which together form the Association of International Certified Professional Accountants, are offering a new certificate that provides foundational knowledge on critical topics related to environmental, social and governance (ESG) reporting, advisory and assurance. ...


目前許多大企業或中小企在實踐ESG時,比較容易理解及執行的也許是環境保護(Environmental),而公司管治(Governance)亦相對清晰直接。而論到社會責任(Social)的範疇就可能有點抽象。不少公司管理層,誤以為實踐社會責任就是捐一些款項給慈善機構,或叫員工做做義工就算數,有為做而做的心態。企業要實踐社會責任,當然沒有那麼簡單。 ...


ESG這3個英文字,近年常常都會出現在財經版。以往大家所關注的環保企業、可持續發展等議題,現在已經進化為ESG的概念,它包含了環境保護(Environmental)、社會責任(Social)及公司管治(Governance)等多方面。而不止是上市公司和大企業,即使是中小企及初創公司都意識到ESG的重要性和無限可能。 ...

Engineering Net Zero Transition

The Paris Agreement was adopted by 195 countries at the UN climate change conference (COP21) in December 2015. It was the first-ever universal, legally binding global climate deal, to achieve the goal of keeping the average global temperature rise from pre-industrial times below 2 °C and pursuing efforts to limit it to 1.5°C . A report in October 2018 by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change indicated that global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions must fall about 45% by 2030 and reach net zero by 2050 to keep within the 1.5°C target and avoid the effects of severe climate change. ...