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Tag: Digital transformation

Three steps to adaptive leadership in the age of technology

Today organizations are finding themselves intricately woven into the fabric of technological advancements and are compelled to adopt new technologies to remain competitive. From using IoT technology in manufacturing and facility management to small retail or food and beverage businesses relying on contactless payment solutions, technology is shaping how enterprises operate and compete. In Hong Kong, for instance, the adoption of emerging technologies is pronounced, with cloud computing leading the charge—64% of companies report full adoption, and another 36% are in the early stages. Moreover, 88% of executives from these companies cite staying competitive as the primary driver for adopting these technologies. Even with these advances, there remains a significant potential for wider uptake and enhanced integration of these technologies into core business strategies. ...

The Moment of Engineering Evolution – The HKIE YMC Overseas Delegation 2023 to Germany

Engineering has been at the core of molding and propelling the progress of human civilisation across time, enabling enhancements in the standards of living around the world. It has become more apparent that the engineering field is now undergoing a pivotal evolution. These megatrends are fostered by powerful technological and social forces converging. The needs and demands of society are now experiencing a swift shift expediated by COVID. Simultaneously, there is a growing recognition of the grand challenges of our era, including climate change and sustainable development, which require highly coordinated global cooperation across borders. ...


數碼轉型已是無可避免的發展趨勢,最大的挑戰並不只是技術上的問題,而是在於企業領導層如何改變自己的心態,明確制定長遠的數碼化策略,以全方位改變員工​​及組織。企業若能克服來自組織架構及心理慣性這兩方面的阻力,才能成功部署合適的技術及ICT基礎設施,實現數碼轉型,成為高度可靠及靈活彈性、真正的「數碼企業」。 ...

Latest update on smart city development in Hong Kong

Hong Kong is getting big on the smart city. Since COVID-19 restrictions physically retrained our daily lives in many ways, new work-from-home models and online classes have steered business activities more rapidly to digital and online.The demand for business digitalisation has risen during this COVID period, and 5G is now playing a key role in every sector of the world’s economy. The implementation of the smart city has also become more comprehensive and solid in Hong Kong. ...

【職場突圍術】掌握「數碼轉型力」 令你人工三級跳

疫情令很多企業倒閉、裁員、減薪,作為職場的打工仔,也非常擔心自己的工作是否還保得住? 雖然疫情在香港有暫緩趨勢,也有很多市民已經接種了疫苗,但是要完全恢復疫情前的經濟狀況,真的談何容易!當經濟不景氣時,還加上很多不明朗的外圍經濟因素,你是否會為自己的未來打算呢? 有否擔心會被遲退? 你有計劃如何提升自己的價值? ...

Virtual event puts the focus on soft skills

In a bid to sharpen students’ soft skills and give them a chance to network in a virtual environment during the pandemic, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University’s Faculty of Business recently hosted an online competition co-organised by Classified Post. This event was the second part of the “Leap to Success Virtual Challenge”, which began with a series of workshops which introduced the students to key concepts and practices. In the competition phase, they had to complete a specific assignment and, after that, those who made the shortlist were asked to give a presentation outlining what they had learned from the overall experience. ...

Digital Futures

HR professionals must formulate effective digitisation strategies to prepare the workforce for the future ...

Dismantling the silo effect

Silos are jeopardising many digital transformation projects in Hong Kong ...

Beyond Technology

If businesses are to keep up and compete effectively, they must take a holistic view and be ready to act ...

Digital Transformation of the Construction Industry

The construction industry is on the cusp of enormous change, not by choice but by method of surviving the major challenges the industry currently faces...... ...