Career Advice Career Guidance and Counselling

Customise job applications

When applying for jobs, it is the quality - not the quantity - of applications that counts. To get noticed, candidates must understand their career objectives. They must also customise each job application.  

Know thyself

Candidates need to understand their career objectives to find the right match to their dream job. They should be aware of their short- and long-term career goals and ensure that these match the objectives of the job they are applying for.  

Understand the job

The first step to customise a job application is to do your homework. In addition to doing research on the company, learning its corporate values and business priorities, it is important for candidates to demonstrate that they match the position at all levels, not just for technical skills. They should ensure compatibility in terms of personality and soft skills, as well as cultural and organisational fit. 

Avoid one-size-fits-all résumés

Candidates must tailor their résumés to specific positions. A customised résumé and cover letter can help individuals stand out. Matching qualifications to a job description will make it easier for employers to identify the candidate who is the perfect match.

Article contributed by Andrew Morris, managing director, Robert Half Hong Kong