Career Advice Career Doctor

Feeling so frustrated


Hi, doctors,

I am feeling very frustrated.

I think it is very important to understand the thoughts of the boss during a career development.

However, I always do not know what he wants, and hence I have to spend much more time to finish one task. I have worked with several bosses before, and I have never come across with this. I have spent 1 year already, hoping to understand his working style.Nonetheless, it seems it doesn't work.

This makes me have an idea of quitting the current job. Then, I come up with another problem that I do not know what kind of job I would like to do...

So I have two questions and hope that you may give me some advices:
1. Is it a right move to quit the job because of this reason? (It's difficult for me to make an internal transfer inside the existing company) 2. What can I do to help myself to find my direction during my career development?

Many thanks,