Career Advice Career Guidance and Counselling

A notice of intent

Upon securing a new position, it is likely you will still have to serve a notice period with your current employer. Sometimes, the notice period can be lengthy, so it is important to maintain contact with your new employer throughout.

The new employer will usually try and contact you a couple of times during this period, but there is certainly nothing wrong with maintaining more regular contact with them. You could grab a coffee with your new supervisor and get to know them better. Some companies even invite new employees to team social events so they can get to know their new colleagues.

Having this type of contact with the new company sends them the message that you are keen to get to work and build relationships with the people you will be working with. It can also calm any second thoughts you may have about your decision. Speaking to your new colleagues and getting to know your supervisor before your start can help reduce your nerves. Day one of the new job is also a less daunting prospect if you know some of the team already.

There are a couple of other things that you can do to ensure you start out on the right foot. While we do not advocate starting any projects for your new employer during your notice period, it does serve as an excellent time to review company history and other general information about your new company. Requesting this kind of information from your new supervisor tells them you are interested and enthusiastic about your new role.

Walter Ellicott, managing director, Ellicott Long Limited, recruiting professionals for the property and construction industries in Asia