Career Advice Career Guidance and Counselling

Keep connected

This week we continue to look at the steps you can take to keep your personal brand in order, so that you can stay ahead of the growing competition in Hong Kong's job market.

Firstly, stay in touch with former employers. Let former managers and other referees know when you're considering a career move. Do this not only because you may want to call on them as potential referees, but also to ask for their input as to the move you're contemplating. Ensure you remain respectful of people's time, but provide updates about your skills and level of responsibilities where appropriate and congratulate others on their career wins.

Next, make the best use of recruitment consultants. Building a relationship with a recruiter is an important way to promote your personal brand to employers. Recruiters are also a great source of information about employment and salary trends and, of course, the details and inside knowledge of any job for which they put you forward. If you develop a strong relationship with the right recruitment consultant, they can become your career advocate with potential employers.

Finally, make time for networking. There is no point in putting time and effort into cultivating a personal brand if you never put it to work. Continue to update your LinkedIn profile and any other social media accounts you have created, such as a Twitter feed or industry blog. You should also make good use of networking and social media to make sure you keep up with the latest employment and salary news in your industry.

Marc Burrage, regional director, Hays in Hong Kong