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AICPA® 和 CIMA® 攜手創立的國際註冊專業會計師公會(公會),代表遍佈全球 188 個國家和地區的 698,000 名 AICPA 和 CIMA 會員、學員,以及業界從業員。公會統領全球公共會計和管理會計領域,倡導和支援註冊會計師(CPA)牌照、全球特許管理會計師(CGMA)資格、個別範疇專業認可、專業教育,以及行業思維領導。通過賦予會員和業界從業員知識和機會,建立公信力,於不同領域成為兼收並蓄、高瞻遠矚且達權知變的未來領袖。

AICPA & CIMA 於2024/25 年財政預算案發表前建言獻策: 「着力提高生產力和刺激經濟增長」

國際註冊專業會計師公會 (AICPA & CIMA) 在財政預算案推出前,建議香港特別行政區政府着力提高生產力和刺激經濟增長,從而支持其吸引更多頂尖人才和企業來港發展的目標。建議涵蓋稅收、技能提升、研究與發展以及公共服務等領域。 ...

終極毅行 CIMA團隊創出不可能

樂施毅行者2023圓滿結束,CIMA團隊不僅於預期時間內走畢100公里,更於會計行業男子隊伍中分別排名首位(0533隊)和第三位(0343隊),及會計行業分別排名第四位和第六位,成績理想。 ...


參賽樂施毅行者需要攀越23個山嶺,包括全港最高的大帽山,總攀升約4,830米,涉及多條上下山和崎嶇不平的路段,CIMA團隊為此全力以赴做足準備,積極部署迎戰。 ...

CIMA® and CPA Australia renew Member Pathway Agreement

The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants® (CIMA), part of the Association of International Certified Professional Accountants®, and CPA Australia have announced they have renewed their Member Pathway Agreement (MPA) for another four years. ...

AICPA & CIMA’s flagship leadership programme returns to Singapore

The third edition of the CGMA Leadership Academy, an intensive four-day leadership programme, will be held in Singapore from 9 to 12 October 2023. The event will be hosted by AICPA® & CIMA®, together as the Association of International Certified Professional Accountants, under the theme ‘Finance Forward: Igniting Value Creation & Leadership’. ...


人生與職場像是一場毅行者比賽,同樣需要裝備身心、逆境自強、無懼挑戰,團隊互相扶持「四人八腿一條心」完成目標,才是背後最重要的意義。今年CIMA特許管理會計師公會首次組隊參與毅行賽事,國際註冊專業會計師公會(同時代表AICPA & CIMA)香港及新興市場總監周春華(Paulus),以及CIMA 會員Frenda So 娓娓道來他們的毅行管理哲學。 ...

Enrolment Open for Prestigious Executive Management Course on Sustainable Financial Strategy

Registration is now open for an executive management course, jointly developed by Saïd Business School at the University of Oxford, and AICPA & CIMA, that’s designed to give accounting and finance professionals the skills necessary to lead their organisation’s response to sustainability issues. ...

Team from University of Hong Kong wins CGMA Global Business Challenge 2023 North Asia final

A group of students from The University of Hong Kong “Team Pawn Consulting” have won the North Asia final of the CGMA® Global Business Challenge (GBC) 2023 held at the City University of Macau. “Team HappyWomen” from The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen was named first runner-up, and “Team BJSD” from the City University of Macau and “Team Legend” from the University of Macau were named joint second runner-up. ...

Team Pawn Consulting from The University of Hong Kong wins CGMA Global Business Challenge Hong Kong final

A group of students from The University of Hong Kong “Team Pawn Consulting” have won the final of the CGMA® Global Business Challenge (GBC) 2023 held in Hong Kong. The CGMA GBC is a regional business competition aimed at full-time undergraduate students held by AICPA® & CIMA®, together as the Association of International Certified Professional Accountants, to enhance their business, leadership, and problem-solving skills, and showcase their talent ...

New Learning Tools to Help Accounting and Finance Professionals Close the Skills Gap

AICPA® & CIMA® announced the offering of a new online learning platform to help accounting and finance professionals improve and update their skills to take advantage of a digital accelerating business environment. ...