Career Advice Career counselling, advice and guidance

Jimmy Ho

Jimmy Ho is office managing director of Korn Ferry Hong Kong.

Emotional and social intelligence is the key to leadership

There’s an old saying: people quit bosses, not jobs. How many times have you heard of someone ...... ...

Ability to learn as critical in leaders as previous knowledge

For all the rapid advances in technology and the impact they have on business, the human factor – especially leadership ability....... ...

The human factor will still remain despite technological advances

Today, all companies can be considered technology companies. Businesses are increasingly ...... ...

Millennials present new challenges in the workplace but that needn’t be a problem

Recently, I caught up with some human resources people at a luncheon and fell into an interesting discussion...... ...

Running a family-run company is a challenge but with the right approach it can bring its own rewards

Over 50 per cent of businesses in Hong Kong are family-controlled. But, unlike their counterparts in mainland China ....... ...

Pedigree perils: Beware of making crucial hiring decisions based on preconceptions

While at a recent luncheon, I heard four influential business leaders engaged in a serious conversation about how an executive candidate ...... ...