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Tag: Job Offer

【職場自救】點樣衡量個job offer適唔適合自己?人工高係咪一定好?仲有咩要注意?

今時今日打工仔轉工絕不輕鬆,又要written test,又要見HR,又要見未來上司,更有些要panel interview,見工兩三round可謂「基本嘢」。到成功突圍而出收到offer的時候,打工仔又要諗:「究竟份工啱唔啱我?」「個package係咪真係咁好?」「份工好似幾伏。」等等。為免自己後悔,3大因素打工仔需要優先考慮! ...


人到無求無疑係超然境界,大前提係你毋須係生活奔波。打工仔明明有要求卻又無求,往往係源於對求上進的恐懼,要拆彈就要由心態及實戰力入手。 ...

I have an exciting job offer at a start-up but is the uncertainty worth the risk?



你等咗咁耐,終於可以等到返新工呢日。如果你喺一個地獄逃出嚟,自然會特別期待呢一日。不過千萬唔好因為逃出地獄而過度興奮,為咗避免第一日就將新公司變成另一個地獄,返新工之前一定要做足準備。 ...

Should You Accept a Great Job Offer From a Bad Company?

Job offers are exciting and flattering. They can bring a sense of relief and confidence, and they can be the answer to worry....... ...

A valued experience

Geoffrey Choi Cheuk-lin, a final-year student majoring in international business and Chinese enterprise at Chinese University, already has a job offer from an investment bank, but was fascinated by the forum's Shadow a CEO Programme, writes Wong Yat-hei. ...

Post-offer pointers

Congratulations, you've been offered a new job! While the bulk of the hard work of applying and interviewing is behind you, a few crucial steps remain before everything is signed and sealed, writes Walter Ellicott. ...

Weighing your job options

Candidates with coveted skills are in demand, but having multiple job offers can be ... ...