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【職場自救】點樣衡量個job offer適唔適合自己?人工高係咪一定好?仲有咩要注意?

今時今日打工仔轉工絕不輕鬆,又要written test,又要見HR,又要見未來上司,更有些要panel interview,見工兩三round可謂「基本嘢」。到成功突圍而出收到offer的時候,打工仔又要諗:「究竟份工啱唔啱我?」「個package係咪真係咁好?」「份工好似幾伏。」等等。為免自己後悔,3大因素打工仔需要優先考慮! ...

Constructing a solid career base

Last month, three students assigned to shadow Joseph Choi, managing director of Hsin Chong Construction, got an exciting opportunity to see the decision-making process that goes on behind the scenes of a huge multi-purpose project, writes John Brennan. ...

Standing as equals

Technology company Gore provides an alternative management model that dispenses with hierarchy to drive business results, writes Jolene Otremba. ...

For global managers with a European flair

The MBA programme at the IESE Business School – the graduate business school of Spain’s University of Navarra – is focused on general management at the apex of business organisations, writes Wong Yat-hei. ...

Late bloomers

With his Ivey EMBA, Joe Leung hopes to take his and his sister’s decade-old lingerie business a notch higher, writes Michael Taylor. ...

Driving entrepreneurs with real-world cases

Entrepreneurship to me means identifying a market opportunity, taking action, taking risks, and managing limited resources to grow a business and generate profits, says Loron Orris. ...

Pulling out all the stops

Thomas Chiu’s life changed after an encounter with one of his physiotherapy patients, a man who had been paralysed after a bad ... ...

Grit and determination rewarded with victory

Sheer perseverance and determination powered Tony Wong Luen-tung – this year’s champion of the Hong Kong Management Game – through the fiercely competitive final round of ... ...

An 'ambassador' to count on

When Dean Westcott left school in the United Kingdom, he joined a retail organisation as a general management ... ...

The corporate 'kitchen cabinet'

Is the leadership of your company a mystery that confounds you and your career expectations? This is sometimes so, ... ...