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Tag: Office

Peek into Sales office of Facebook Hong Kong #FBHKhoicheung

After 3 years, Facebook yesterday unveiled its new office in Quarry Bay Hong Kong. Locating at Quarry Bay, the new Facebook office spans around 11,000 square feet with a full harbour-view of the Victoria Harbour. ...


爲了避免浪費,其實我們可選擇優質的品牌及質料,添置一些款式經典、歷久常新的服飾,令我們的衣櫃更充實。這些服飾不須每季添置,可經年穿著,只要懂得與潮流單品配搭,簡單的Mix and Match皆可穿出個性與時尚品味,不論上班、宴會或休閒場合,出席每一個不同的場合也可成為焦點。 ...

Wakey Wakey ...... 5 great snacks for sleepy afternoon!




Working space age

The explosive growth in staff mobility is having a seismic impact on the future of office design, writes Billy Clarke. ...