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cpjobs為各位打工仔帶來各行業的職場故事及專家分享,提供職場及日常生活方面的專業意見,讓你緊貼搵工,就業,健康,飲食及旅遊上的專業意見。 ...
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借助BUD FUND「電商易」專項基金開展跨境業務

最新的《財政預算案》揭示了政府面臨超過千億的財政赤字,但其中對於創新科技發展的投入卻毫不吝嗇,展現了港府對創科領域的堅定支持。預算案建議注資5億元於「BUD專項基金」,並在每個申請企業的700萬元資助額外再增設100萬元的「電商易」專項。此舉將極大促進本地創新科技企業開展跨境電商和內地網上零售業務。 ...

【發財立品】真心正向推動 ESG,向漂綠漂藍say 'NO'

現時社會各界都非常關注ESG議題,相關討論每日都在進行,而其中一項大家值得留意的地方就是漂綠 Green Washing 和漂藍 Blue Washing 這種不恰當的行為。簡單來說就是口頭上不斷吹噓自己如何推動環保或其他ESG相關的行動,但實際上卻在其他地方不斷破壞。無論是公司或政府機構,必須遵從ESG的理念,並不能只作綠色推廣的宣傳伎倆,為了在某地方環節取得減碳成功卻在其他地方製造污染或傷害。 ...

CEDD 20A Celebratory Event - HKIE CVD – CEDD Joint Conference 2024

As an exciting kickoff to the 20th Anniversary Celebration of CEDD in 2024, the joint conference with The Hong Kong Institute of Engineers Civil Division (HKIE CVD) was held on 24th January 2024 at the Cordis Hotel, Hong Kong, and it was a resounding success. ...

把握機會入行 捕捉寵物護理、美容市場機遇

根據政府統計處的調查,早在2018年全港已經有242,000個住戶,在家中飼養了約405,200隻貓狗,以上數字還未包括其他相對冷門的寵物,如兔子、倉鼠等。寵物市場發展急速,因此極需要相關的專業服務及配套。寵物對人類情緒起正面作用,令動物輔助治療成為引人注意的新興行業。香港都會大學李嘉誠專業進修學院 (都大LiPACE)推出寵物護養及動物輔助治療高級文憑課程,以配合市場需要。 ...


許多人都會認同,人工智能在未來10年仍然會是最受矚目的科技應用之一。它不單止幫助你提升工作效率,更可以成為創作過程中的夥伴。以Microsoft 的Copilot和Google的Duet AI為例,這些由AI驅動的數碼助理,能向用戶提供一系列個性化的輔助,把大型語言模型(LLM)的強大功能結合我們的日常應用,如行事曆、電子郵件、即時通訊、文檔、會議等,大大提升我們進行組織、分析和建構的效率。 ...

Three steps to adaptive leadership in the age of technology

Today organizations are finding themselves intricately woven into the fabric of technological advancements and are compelled to adopt new technologies to remain competitive. From using IoT technology in manufacturing and facility management to small retail or food and beverage businesses relying on contactless payment solutions, technology is shaping how enterprises operate and compete. In Hong Kong, for instance, the adoption of emerging technologies is pronounced, with cloud computing leading the charge—64% of companies report full adoption, and another 36% are in the early stages. Moreover, 88% of executives from these companies cite staying competitive as the primary driver for adopting these technologies. Even with these advances, there remains a significant potential for wider uptake and enhanced integration of these technologies into core business strategies. ...


科技的進步速度猶如破竹之勢,尤其是在電腦軟體和半導體領域。 研究人員發現,透過使用高效和低能耗的圖形處理器(GPU),可以更有效率地進行平行運算(Parallel Computing),從而大幅提升人工智能(AI)和其神經網路的訓練過程。 這種進展不僅加速了大型語言模型(Large Language Model)和生成人工智能(Generative AI)的應用,也令大眾對AI的能力大為讚歎。在這個新時代,人們廣泛討論AI將如何深刻影響人類社會的未來 ...


我們幾乎每個月都會看到致命工業意外的新聞,事實上根據勞工處的統計數據,本港在2023年有23人在工業意外中喪生,其中19人是建造業工人,情況令人感到悲哀。可幸的是,隨着當局對工地安全意識的推動及加強罰則,建築業界已經積極推行智慧工地,即「4S管理」(Smart Site Safety System),期望能以科技改善工地安全。 ...

Greater Cross-Border Integration and Higher Mobility of Talents in the Greater Bay Area (GBA): Collaborative Efforts towards Carbon Neutrality

We have witnessed successful collaborations in numerous engineering projects in the Greater Bay Area (GBA), such as the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, High-Speed Rail, and the joint development of renewable energy projects. Cross-border integration not only drives knowledge exchange but also directly or indirectly benefits the lives and well-being of every citizen. The contributions of electrical engineers to these cross-border projects are significant. They include the design and implementation of advanced electrical systems for the Bridge, the traction power supply for High-Speed Rail, and the advanced protection systems for wind farms. With increased cross-border integration, electrical engineers are presented with unique opportunities and challenges. ...


科技券計劃已推出多年,港府希望透過此計劃支援本地企業和機構使用科技服務和方案,以提高生產力或將業務流程升級轉型。計劃自2016年推出後,曾於於2020年4月作出重要調整,包括資助比例由三分之二提高至四分之三,而資助上限也由港幣40萬元增加至60萬元。它對企業和IT公司而言是個極好的機會,不但能協助中小企業進行升級轉型,還能夠支援IT公司度過經濟不景氣的困境。 ...