Career Advice Career counselling, advice and guidance

Tag: Career Path


攞完Bonus又係搵工嘅好時候。「近年市道好差」、「出面個市好靜」呢幾年都聽到厭,忍咗兩三年無轉工嘅朋友可能會問「今年係咪轉工嘅好年?」。如果而家間公司唔能夠滿足到你「Career Path嘅需要」的話,咁今年就係轉工年。 ...


由畢業開始喺職場打滾,幸運啲嘅人好快會搵到自己嘅career path,過得三五七年,唔經唔覺發現自己已經爬到公司中層嘅位置。到咗中層,人工有返咁上下,係時候買樓、結婚、生BB,洗費一日大過一日,然後突然發現原來自己已經身處危機當中... ...

How can employers respond to the rise in demand for remote and overseas working?

A recent survey from the Chinese University of Hong Kong suggests that nearly 60% of people aged 15-30 want to leave the city, and that 25% of university-educated young Hong Kongers plan to leave within the next 5 years. With the potential outflow of talent combined with changes in working caused by COVID-19, what steps can employers consider taking to maintain or improve workplace retention? ...

Structural Engineering in Society

Structural engineering is about design, use of material, construction, planning, inspection, monitoring, maintenance, research, rehabilitation and demolition of structures and structural systems...... ...

No risks, no rewards: Tom Albrecht, APAC managing partner at Sidley Austin, has gained by taking an adventurous career path

A couple of key decisions can shape a career and therefore help shape a life...... ...