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Tag: Centaline

Centaline looks for online boost

Property agency set to launch e-commerce platform on the mainland ...

Pro-active team players sought to scale the ladder

The property agency of over 38,000 employees that covers Greater China with seven business lines - and which grew out of a single-desk office in 1978 - is seeking frontline staff, such as sales people, licensed estate ... ...

Battening down the hatches

These are worrying times for Hong Kong's real estate agents. New mortgages fell to a 28-month low of 6,579 in September, according to data from ... ...

Companies raise bar for top staff

The increasingly challenging business environment has led companies to set higher standards for... ...

Centaline launches recruitment drive

Expecting continued steady growth in a vibrant local real estate market, Centaline Property Agency intends to hire ... ...

HR professionals praise candidates

Tuesday's second round of the "Job Speed Dating" event, organised by fuel and Jiu Jik, attracted a large crowd of fresh graduates and experienced ... ...

Golden opportunity for change

Are you tired of your job and looking for a change? Sign up now for the "Job Speed Dating" event and meet recruiters from renowned companies ... ...

'Job Speed Dating' is a huge success

The "Job Speed Dating" event, organised by fuel and Jiu Jik to match job-seekers with recruiters, ended on a successful note ... ...

Sales and marketing jobs up for grabs

For those of you who want to clinch a job in sales and marketing at the upcoming "Job Speed Dating" event, sign up now for ... ...

Candidates given a platform to impress

A 30-second pitch about oneself and a memorable remark at the end of a conversation with recruiters will help job-seekers stand out ... ...