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Tag: Drake International

Drake goes mobile on recruitment

Like most HR players, Drake International – a global provider of recruitment, talent management and solutions for improving organisational productivity and performance – is firmly plugged into social media, writes Darius Musni. ...

Understand which traits make the right fit

Hiring an employee is like making an important investment decision. The candidate represents the capital, in this case “human capital” and, as with any decision that ... ...

HR professionals praise candidates

Tuesday's second round of the "Job Speed Dating" event, organised by fuel and Jiu Jik, attracted a large crowd of fresh graduates and experienced ... ...

Candidates can look for a perfect match

Fresh graduates eager to start their careers, or experienced professionals wishing to change jobs, should ... ...

Golden opportunity for change

Are you tired of your job and looking for a change? Sign up now for the "Job Speed Dating" event and meet recruiters from renowned companies ... ...