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Tag: HR Awards

Awards set the bar for HR excellence

Traditional thinking may view human resources as more of a support function, but the happenings of the past 12 months have certainly changed that. Since early last year, HR teams everywhere have been right in the front line in dealing with the immediate impact and knock-on effects of the Covid-19 pandemic and, as a result, the wider corporate world has gained a far better understanding of the vital role they play. ...

Training helps to turn the corner

In the midst of last year’s public health crisis, it would have been easy for companies to put training and development programmes on hold until normal operations could resume. But the best employers saw things differently, instead taking the opportunity to set up new courses, encourage online learning, and motivate staff to make the most of their unexpected time away from the office. ...

HR Awards honour action and ideas

When the Covid-19 pandemic first hit Hong Kong early last year, HR teams had to move fast to devise and implement contingency plans which could keep employees safe, yet still allow day-to-day operations to keep running with minimal disruption. Doing this presented all kinds of challenges. It involved everything from switching to work-from-home arrangements to introducing new health and hygiene protocols and setting up online training courses. ...

Awards highlight HR’s strategic role

Even amid the multiple challenges of the past few months, there has been time to step back and reflect. That has allowed the leaders of organisations in every sector to reevaluate plans and strategies. And, more specifically, it has been a reminder of how vital a role HR professionals play in ensuring that essential operations and day-to-day management continue to function effectively in times of change or crisis. ...

New awards to spotlight HR successes

To acknowledge outstanding efforts in maintaining productivity – and morale - during difficult times, Classified Post is proud to organise and present the “HR Appreciation Awards 2020”. ...