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Tag: Mercer


美世 ( Mercer ) 是健康、財富和職業諮詢機構,屬威達信集團的全資子公司。美世剛公布香港員工敬業度指數 ........ ...

【巿場消息】數碼轉型 港企挑戰 ( 二 )

上一次談到美世的2018年全球人才趨勢研究指出2018年五大勞動力趨勢....... ...

【市場消息】數碼轉型 港企挑戰 ( 一 )

美世《2018年全球人才趨勢研究 —— 開啟人才時代的增長潛力 ( 2018 Global Talent Trends Study – Unlocking Growth in the Human Age )》...... ...

【市場消息】2018薪酬趨勢 預計整體加幅3.9%

美世早前公布了包括對亞洲、中東及非洲地區招聘意向及薪酬增幅預測結果的《2018年度薪酬報告》....... ...

Dad's time to shine

The drive for mandatory paid paternity leave could help fathers both at work and at home, writes Chris Davis. ...

Surveys point to slight uptick in hiring and pay

Amid global economic uncertainty, a survey by Mercer Hong Kong shows that multinationals operating in the city are starting the year with a healthy dose of optimism, with 44 per cent expecting business performance to be better than in 2013, writes Chris Davis. ...

Digital daze

Experts urge employers to reach out to young talent as early as possible, writes Michael Taylor. ...

Firms shooting wide of performance goals

In today’s challenging and often unpredictable business world, establishing effective performance-management programmes remains a challenge for many organisations – despite an understanding that talent management can provide a competitive advantage, writes Chris Davis. ...

Executive pay formats heading in new direction

Changing business models, rising costs and increased scrutiny from corporate governance advocates is prompting companies to break out of the conformity box and consider alternative executive-incentive remuneration structures, writes Chris Davis. ...

HR issues go global as M&A deals cross borders

Amid economic shifts, with companies from emerging economies shopping for acquisitions worldwide, human resources professionals need to be nimble in formulating and implementing global HR policies ...