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Tag: Resignation

The dangers of sugaring the pill when sacking errant staff

It is often said that Hong Kong employment law is relatively easy and less complex than other jurisdictions like the mainland and Japan, writes Pattie Walsh. ...

UK Immigration Minister quits after hiring illegal cleaner

UK Immigration Minister Mark Harper resigned after he was told his cleaner was working in the country illegally. ...

Mediation puts disputing parties on equal footing

“No one wants to end up as a litigant in a court action. However, if this does happen, one should seize the position of the plaintiff and not the defendant.” ...

Don't let your business get fried by en masse poaching

At this time of year, with bonuses being calculated for payment at year end, many employees start to turn their minds towards thinking about new opportunities, writes Fiona Loughrey and Sarah Berkeley. ...

Don’t hang yourself over cutting ties

"I quit!” What put-upon worker hasn’t fantasised about saying those words and storming out the door? While it’s already fairly common for ... ...

Children of Gen Y revolution

Project manager Kevin Wong belongs to the younger generation of managerial staff at Kowloon Watch ... ...

Never forget why you decided to quit

It is increasingly common for employers to make counter offers to convince good staff not to resign... ...

Resign gracefully without burning bridges

There are right and wrong ways of resigning from a job and, whatever the reasons for going, it always pays to... ...

Look before you leap from your job

To quit, or not to quit – that is the question faced by many professionals who have bagged a fat bonus , as the ... ...