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Tag: Classified Post HR Conference

Recruitment Outlook

Classified Post’s upcoming HR Conference give you a clear picture of best practices currently shaping recruitment and talent management trends ...

Transforming the Future

The Classified Post HR Conference prepares executives for the profession’s digital future ...

Health matters

Classified Post’s Employee Healthcare & Retirement conference will explore the implications of The Voluntary Health Insurance Scheme (VHIS) ...

Expert speakers at the latest Classified Post HR Conference gave insights into how rewards and benefits that ensure employee wellness can be key to motivation and engagement

As the traditional concepts of work, worker and workplace are rapidly transformed by technology ........ ...

Using incentives and wellness to increase motivation and employee engagement is the focus of today’s Classified Post HR Conference

As organisations seek new ways to attract, retain and engage with their employees ........ ...

March’s Classified Post HR Conference was brimming with ideas from a range of industry experts, with a focus on how to attract and retain the best talent

Featuring a diverse line-up of high-profile presenters that offered strategic-level human resources insights...... ...

The latest Classified Post HR Conference put benefits and rewards centre stage

Against a backdrop of low unemployment levels, skills shortages, evolving technology, and no indication that Hong Kong’s competition....... ...

Today’s Classified Post HR Conference will offer fresh insights on how companies can gear benefits to drive business success

Changes to the employment landscape and an uptick in the local economy mean that 2018 is set to become ....... ...

The second Classified Post HR Conference of the year highlighted the opportunities of the Belt and Road initiative

Organised by Classified Post, the One Belt, One Road Talent Management Conference...... ...

A range of expert speakers at today’s Classified Post HR Conference will outline how Hong Kong businesses can get the most out of China’s Belt and Road initiative

With Hong Kong’s business community poised to benefit from “golden opportunities” generated by China’s...... ...