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Tag: CV Writing

【僱主話你知】10個寫CV常見禁忌 一犯即刻無運行

不論你係搵緊工、想轉工、抑或純粹想睇下出面咩環境都好,CV都係需要經常update。預先準備好,永遠好過「臨急抱佛腳」,急就容易錯,尤其係CV代表緊自己。究竟有咩錯誤係我哋經常都犯?有咩地方喺僱主角度係最致命?一齊睇下。 ...


搵工又好,見工又好,作為打工仔梗係想搵必勝貼士。然而,當你喺Google搜尋相關資訊,資訊量太多,反而睇到頭都大埋。但你有無諗過,技巧同經驗你唔係無,只係你忽略咗無好好利用或者整理。今次就等筆者同大家列舉返一啲大家都了解,但自己忽略咗嘅要點畀大家,等你重新調整你嘅求職策略!即刻開始! ...

The 7 Worst Phrases to Put in Your Cover Letter and Resume

Resume writing and updating is often one of the more dreaded and stressful aspects of job hunting. This article shows the seven worst commonly used phrases in resume and what you should include instead. ...

Impress Your Interviewer With a Career Portfolio: Here's How

Developing an impressive resume is crucial to a successful job search. Before you can ace an interview, you have to get through the job application process first...... ...

Fudging the facts

Creative alterations to your CV may seem a good idea at the time, but can land you in hot water later, writes Andrea Zavadszky. ...

Getting your résumé right

Hong Kong is known for its fast-paced working culture, where things need to be done quickly. As a result, employers here spend less time reading CVs than ... ...