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Tag: Generation Z

Keeping pace with evolving expectations

Public perceptions of senior bankers are not overly flattering at present, writes Jeffrey Tang. ...

A good ear for service

Pentahotel in Diamond Hill is looking for young and young-at-heart recruits who know how to listen well, reports Andrea Zavadszky. ...

Gen Y therapy

As general manager of recruitment for Hong Kong at Links, I make sure my staff are offered the right opportunities when they’re ready to take a ... ...

Survey reveals retention troubles

Highlights from the recent CPA Australia 2012 Hong Kong Human Capital Survey point at the need for the government to ... ...

An 'X' mark for Generations Y and Z

A new survey shows that Generation Y employees in Hong Kong lack the skills needed to drive the city’s economy forward, with most respondents blaming ... ...

Exclusive insights: Bridging the generation gap and managing mid-life career crisis

People might think that the HR department at MTR Corporation has an easy job with the company’s turnover rate of less than 5 ... ...

HSBC helps teach staff to pick the right MPF fund

Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) providers, like human resources managers, are confronted by the generational ... ...