Career Advice Career counselling, advice and guidance

Tag: Job


一齊睇下今個月有咩 (Education / Training)嘅精選職位啦! ...

Powering the New Normal

Engineers do wondrous things every day in a wide variety of fields for the good of society. Not the least of these fields is electrical engineering. This is a specialised type of engineering dealing with energy and electricity, and we owe these electrical engineers a salute for most of the “normals” that we take for granted in our lives today are powered by them. The hands of electrical engineers touch almost every part of our lives. It is no surprise that they are one of the driving tribes that make all our futures brighter. ...

The Role of Electronics Engineers – Their Contribution to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

In 2015, a series of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), consisting of 17 goals and 169 targets, was adopted by all 193 member states of the United Nations. Their aim was to achieve a more prosperous, inclusive and peaceful world by 2030. But to forge such a future, every global citizen, including governments, businesses, civil society and the general public will have to contribute. Engineers have long been playing their part in making meaningful contributions to these SDGs. For example, engineers have been developing extraordinary innovations, such as big data and Artificial Intelligence (AI), that are shaping our world and helping to address the many pressing challenges that are facing us today. ...


有研究指出,在AI 人工智能年代最少有10個工種會或將會被消失,它們分別是: • 客服人員及電話銷售人員被取代率 99% • 快遞及外送員被取代率 97.8% • 會計師被取代率 93.5% • 店員被取代率 92.3% • 導遊被取代率 90.6% • 計程車司機被取代率 89.4% • 房仲人員被取代率 86.4% • 演員被取代率 37.4% • 理財專員被取代率 23.3% • 記者被取代率 11.4% ...

整 “色” 整水的職場常用習語

英文同中文一樣,有很多生動有趣的習語。能熟練準確地運用習語絕對是英文高水準的表現。今天同大家講解幾個與顏色有關的英文習語,都是職場中常用的。從“顏色”估意思,看看你知道多少。 ...


自己近幾年來,都是忙於策劃不同主題的工作坊及講座予眾HR從業員,也有機會與不同trainers 設計不同企業培訓項目。 每次看見HR朋友們常於放工後都來參與不同工作坊,讓我非常感動。因為這是他們認同持續學習的重要性以及如何自我增值。 ...


CV 和附信寫得恰如其分,是求職者通向面試階段至關重要的一步。CV 務求精簡,一頁為好,不宜超過兩頁。列出工作經驗時,可以選用筆記形式代替完整句子,例如 Organized adventure package tours for large groups, trained and supervised new staff members, maintained partner relationships. Showed ability to work well as part of a team. ...


你是否有身邊朋友不時向你訴苦,公司某某入職很短時間,升職又加人工﹑那位中學同學很受老闆賞識及器重,並給予很多發揮機會?但相反,自己已很努力,盡量發揮自己的才華,並不斷配合公司的要求,可惜總是沒有機會再上一層樓。 ...


很多品牌發展的時候,不約而同都會考慮增加產品種類、銷售渠道、研發及推出與本身沒有直接關係的產品等等。但發展品牌這回事,稍一不慎,以上的做法極有可能演化成一種自殘的行為。 ...