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Tag: Management Style

Management Tips for Busy Teams

Success for busy, often over-worked teams ultimately comes down to management. Approach deadlines and targets with focus, discipline, and mutual understanding, and you’ll have a winning team working by your side... ...

The best management style to manage new hires in the Property and Construction Field

The Property and Construction industry deals closely with many players: tenants, board members, labourers, or government agencies...... ...

Knitting wisdom

Forgotten veterans grease the gears of Ada Ho’s social enterprise L plus H Fashion, writes Wong Yat-hei. ...

Untangling China

Michelle Cheung took Henkel’s mainland hair-care business from the fringes of failure to shimmering success, writes Wong Yat-hei. ...

Drive to succeed

Reinhold Carl, Audi’s Hong Kong boss, is a man with a mission, writes Nick Walker. ...

Let staff grow

PageGroup CEO Steve Ingham says ‘organic’ development makes a successful workforce, writes Melanie Holloway. ...

The gentle touch

A passion for rugby helps Jeremy Burks of Dow Corning China connect with staff, writes Darius Musni. ...

Strong hand on the hilt

Iron self-discipline saw Gavin Gui turn construction supplies company Hilti into a tower of strength, writes Liana Cafolla. ...