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Tag: Infrastructure

CEDD 20A Celebratory Event - HKIE CVD – CEDD Joint Conference 2024

As an exciting kickoff to the 20th Anniversary Celebration of CEDD in 2024, the joint conference with The Hong Kong Institute of Engineers Civil Division (HKIE CVD) was held on 24th January 2024 at the Cordis Hotel, Hong Kong, and it was a resounding success. ...

From design to delivery: Infrastructure mega schemes drive demand for project managers

With several huge local infrastructure projects in the works, such as the proposed third runway at Chek Lap Kok... ...

Getting fired up

HKSTPC CEO Allen Ma wants to give HK the spark to turn it into a world technology capital, writes Mabel Sieh. ...

Upbeat mood spurs positive hiring attitude

Prospects for jobseekers should be good in the second quarter if the findings of ManpowerGroup’s latest Employment Outlook Survey are anything to go by, writes John Cremer. ...

Engineers urged to think globally

Thanks to a number of massive infrastructure projects instigated in Hong Kong over the last ten years, construction has become a spearhead of local economic development, writes Wong Yat-hei. ...

Call to safeguard development

With the government's 10 major infrastructure projects being rolled out in phrases, the Association of Engineering Professionals in Society (AES) claims that Hong Kong's engineering industry is bound to enjoy bright prospects, writes Chiu Po-sze. ...

Growth spurs jobs

What banking jobs are in highest demand in China? From an investment banking point of view, the situation has been mixed, says Martin Cerullo. ...