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Tag: Management Training Programme

Filling the GAP

DBS is hiring graduates for tech positions, writes Andrea Zavadszky. ...

Careers take off at Airport Authority

On July 6, 1998, the Airport Authority Hong Kong (AAHK) made history by moving the city’s airport from Kai Tak to its present location on Lantau Island in one single night – a testament to ... ...

Richly detailed career map at DBS

Even in the toughest of times, banks need to keep a close watch on their talent pipeline to ensure a sustainable workforce to meet ... ...

Talent thirst tops Asia agenda

Asia's ability to maintain its robust economic growth levels despite the uncertainty brewing in the West may be a promising sign for ... ...

Pick of the best trainee talent

While most people are familiar with the powerful image of a person lifting up a number plate at an auction and bidding millions of Hong Kong dollars on a piece of land, this is just ... ...

Top talent in the pipeline

Citibank Hong Kong has come a long way since 1902, when it established its first office in the then British ... ...

Sifting trainees for top talent

The food and beverage (F&B) sector is a fast-moving and high-volume business. Maxim's Caterers, which opened its first restaurant in 1956, is one of the largest F&B corporations in Hong Kong, serving ... ...

Firm with huge benefits

Accounting firm Ernst & Young does not only offer a variety of career paths to people who are willing to ... ...

Manulife's agents of change

As a financial services company, Manulife's interface with the general public is through their financial advisers, or so-called ... ...

Dive into fun, fulfilling career

Ocean Park, soon reaching the conclusion of its US$5.5-billion (HK$43 billion) upgrade that will have seen the park's animal and ride attractions double by 2012, needs to expand its workforce and ... ...