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Tag: Staff Morale

People, not assets

Hong Kong Broadband Network CFO NiQ Lai says management wants staff to feel that they are all connected up in one big family. ...

Respectfully yours to profit from

An accessible and fun guide to a serious issue, Respect is written for every kind of business leader – from KFC supervisors to C-suites across ... ...

Bums on office seats are not always good for bottom line

Employees can probably feel less guilty about tardiness or web-surfing during office hours. At least that's the implication of the results from ... ...

Good corporate citizenship pays off

Most companies talk about the three P's - profit, planet and people. Our corporate vision - the "Good Company Concept" - is very similar: we aim at building a company which balances ... ...

Be honest and nurture a happy workplace

Few businesses are forced to face a crisis quite as devastating as an earthquake, but following Japan's tragic incident in March and the subsequent radiation leak, Japanese restaurants in Hong Kong have suffered ... ...

Let staff own projects they work on

Since Cook Medical is expanding in Hong Kong, we give extra attention to new hires to ensure they start off well and are equipped to represent us in the right way... ...